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Gymnastics Monday 2:15PM 18M-2Y

Gymnastics Monday 2:15PM 18M-2Y

This is a 30 minute gymnastics class with continuous activities throughout.

Gymnastics class is structured to include fundamental exercises for motor skill development, specific movement principles taught using props and allowing students to follow multi-step directions using a gymnastics obstacle course.  

This is a "Mom" & Me style class with "parent" participation throughout. 

Benefits Include: 

Increased mobility and independence, enhances social awareness, provides sensory stimulation, increases confidence, fosters language development, encourages a healthy lifestyle, increases muscle strength and motor development, improves mood, strengthens the parent/child bond, allows parents to make meaningful connections

There is no registration fee. You will only be charged for sessions that your child is present at allowing for your child to not be charged for a session if sick or out of town. To secure your child's spot please purchase dates for the session that you would like to attend. 

Dress Code: Girls - Leotard or cropped sports top is strongly recommended and can wear yoga pants, shorts or tights with a fitted tank or t-shirt layered. Boys - Fitted shirt with shorts or sweatpants. No zippers, snaps or plastic applications. Hair kept out of the way for visibility and safety. Hair accessories can be worn but may need to be removed. No socks for safety reasons. Ballet shoes or other shoes may be worn after inspection to assure there won't be a risk for slipping.

Email for any additional questions. 

* If you are a first time student please fill out the release form found here: 

New Student Release Form